Today was a pretty good day. Bri and I helped finish the inventory of the whole school in the office this morning. This afternoon, we had more time than normal to talk with the girls, which meant that we got to talk to all of the girls that we hadn't yet talked to. One of the girls just broke out hearts. Her name is Mbali, and she is 13 years old. The black culture has fed so much garbage into her head, and she believes all of it. We found out today that in the black culture, fathers want their daughters to wear mini skirts and low-cut shirts (as soon as the girls reach puberty) to "show off what they have." They want to marry them off as soon as possible. It used to be that when a guy wanted to marry a girl, he would pay the father in livestock for her and then take her to a new hut that he built for her and their family. Now, these young men don't have enough money, so they bring their brides to their parents house (these are usually a one-room house in which they fit ~12 people). The fathers gave up on getting paid for their daughters, they just like that it's one less mouth to feed. Mbali was telling us that she will never get married because all husbands do is use their wives. She told us that she does want to be a mom though, so she decided that she will just sleep around so that she can have kids without having to get married. When we tried explaining to her the emotional pain that would come from living a life like this, she just told us that "only weak women get hurt." These girls have no understanding of their worth in God's eyes. Please pray for them! Nothing we say can counter growing up emersed in lies. All we can do is pray that the seed of truth that we have planted will continue to grow and that, one day, these girls will choose to believe the truth. God loves these girls even more than we do, and with Him nothing is impossible!
Later in the day, Bri and I were pulled over to play with the girls from the grade one class. They are such cuties!
I will be praying that the Lord will use you to get through to Mbali and girls like her. It is so sad that they are so deceived. Like you said though, nothing is impossible with Christ!
I'm proud of you girls for letting these girls see the love of Christ and that you're planting those seeds!
Love the pictures of the girls attacking Bri with kisses! Very cute!
Love you,
hey :) I'm sorry that your hands are hurting you. I will pray that they get better and fast. I am so happy that I got to talk to you! I miss you so much and I love you so much too.
Your baby sis
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