Friday, August 24, 2007

Southeast Asia 2007- Funny Pictures

My class being goofy!!!

Gary was trying to get Kiki to scream
for our class play that we were doing
for the talent show. The only way to get
our students to do anything was to get
over the top about it, which you can see
Gary was good at! :)

Cindy was showing George how to
be a dead possom for our class play
for the talent show.

A little orphan boy who was running
around wanting everyone to take a
picture with him in it. I love his face!

Double (one of my students) kept
telling me that she weighed a lot
(90 lbs), so I picked her up to show
her that she is not big! She is such a
crack up!

Me sticking my head out of part
of the Great Wall!

Waiting for Cindy & Gary at
the Great Wall. They were an
hour and a half late, as they
went around a loop of the
wall and it was longer than
they thought. We got a little
bored! ;)

Jenni, Me & Kendra after a
shaving cream fight! We had
to show our students that
we know how to have a good

Pizza Hut!!! We think that is
supposed to be Jack Sparrow!

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