They are awesome!
During the 2nd Typhoon the kitchen staff
had us make Dumplings. We had
to cancel going swimming, so this was a fun
& interesting alternative!
Cindy would tell the students a place
on campus to go to and they would
have to lead me by tellingme where
to go in English. I have to admit to
peeking under my blindfold now & then! ;)
do the peace sign in their pictures. They
are so funny!
students who stayed an extra night after
all the other students left. Anna and I
had a lot of talks about my faith and the
Lord. She would even borrow my Bible
and read it during her free time. We still
keep in contact via email. Anna did not
accept the Lord as her Savior while I was
there, but she is so close. Please pray for
Anna's salvation!
Anna is in my prayers! Dad & I are so proud of you for stepping outside of your comfort zone and bringing the hope of the Lord to those you meet. I really would LOVE to meet Double one day. She sounds like such a crack up!!!
Good words.
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