Sunday, August 26, 2007

Southeast Aisa 2007- Scenery

The steel building that looks like a
bunch of rubber bands intertwined
is the Crow's Nest, which is where the
2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing.
This was my view outside my hotel
window. We stayed in this hotel when we
first arrived in Beijing & just before heading

The sky just before the 2nd Typhoon.

The path from the camp to the grocery
store & Dico's.

We swam here with our students
3 times. It was over 100 degree's
outside & the water was the same,
so it was not very refreshing.

This was the camp we stayed at for
our 3 weeks with the students.

These are the dorms where we all slept.

This was a statue that some of the
people worship. They have
several gods. They believe the red
keeps the wood from burning &
black will keep water out.
They have many superstitions.

This is a special rock. The
Emporers would send their armies down,
dig trenches along the way, fill the trenches
with water, wait for it to freeze & then
bring a rock like this across the ice. They
thought it was beautiful.

This is the Forbidden City. It held the
most amount of Emporers.
The rock above is in the Forbidden City.

A temple at the Great Wall. Inside are
gods the people worship.

I took this from the top of the first
tower we climbed up. As you can
see, parts of the Wall are VERY steep!
There were times I would not let go
of the railing, as I felt like I would just
topple over if I did.

This was a manmade island in the
Summer Palace. The Summer Palace
is the largest, best kept Imperial Garden's
in the world. It consists of a manmade
lake with islands all throughout it. You take
boats to get from island to island.

Behind the water flowers you can
see some of the boats used to get
around the Summer Palace.

This was at the Acrobatic
Theatre. We went to this our last
full day in Beijing. It was good, but
we were so exhausted that half the
team fell asleep.

1 comment:

J.J.A.G. Hanson said...

We're really glad you didn't fall on that "REALLY STEEP" part of the Great Wall. Awesome pictures, and excellent narration!
-John, Amy, & Grace